Village of Diamond Residents:
To better understand travel trends in and around our community and to help support local planning efforts, CMAP is asking residents in the Village of Diamond and across the region to share their daily travel through a survey.
My Daily Travel survey to launch in mid-September
Select residents will receive a letter in the mail from CMAP with the My Daily Travel logo (below). They will be asked to share their daily or weekly travel activity (for their household) via an app downloaded on their phone, an online form, or over the phone. CMAP will also send a reminder postcard.
Invitations are being sent to specific households to ensure we get a geographic and demographic representation from across the seven counties in northeastern Illinois.
How will the data be used?
CMAP will use this data to better understand how and why people navigate the region. It is used to inform and guide future transportation investments and support improvements. CMAP has previously conducted similar surveys.
The final data will be available in late 2025 on the CMAP Data Hub.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.